An introduction to Crystal Healing. 

Auteur: Cassandra Eason

Jaar: 2015

Druk: niet genoemd

ISBN: 9781454913030 / 1454913037

Taal: Engels

108 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Sterling Ethos, USA

Hardcover, nieuw.


How are Crystals used in daily life?

Cassandra Eason explores the wondrous properties attributed to crystals as an easy-to-understand introduction for the interested novice. She begins by describing twelve key crystals to assemble and then throughout the book she describes the many uses for them, from in the home, garden, and workplace to love and well-being.

Zoekwoorden: boek, kopen, bestellen, kristallen, edelstenen, genezen, tweedehands, winkel, webshop, stenen

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A Little Bit of Crystals

  • Eenheid: Stuk
  • Model: Hardcover
  • Beschikbaarheid: 2
  • €10,00

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