Rituals and incantations for getting the relationship you want.

Auteur: Shawn Engel

Jaar: 2019

Druk: niet vermeld.

ISBN:  9781618373083 / 1618373080

Taal: Engels

144 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Hearst Books, Cosmopolitan 

Hardcover, nieuw.



Cosmo's Love Spells offers 50 easy charms that will make you feel like a badass in the bedroom and beyond. If you want more honesty in your relationship with the bae, there's a spell for that. If you need to channel the power and attitude of your favorite goddess, there's one for that too. Anything you desire can be yours if you learn how to practice casting spells with intention. With this book on your altar, you will be unstoppable at achieving your goals and summoning your dream soul mate into your sheets!

Zoekwoorden: magie, liefde, love, magic, drankjes, liefdesdrankjes, liefdesmagie, heks, hekserij, boek, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop

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Love Spells

  • Eenheid: Stuk
  • Model: Hardcover
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €13,50

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