Discovering the power of your intuition using the tarot as a tool.
Auteurs: Richard Prosapio & Elizabeth Prosapio
Jaar: 1996
Druk: niet vermeld
ISBN: 088079495X / 9780880794954
Taal: Engels
92 pagina's
Uitgeverij: U.S. Games Systems, INC.
Paperback, nieuw.
“Moving through life is made easier with hope, trust, determination and friends... and there is a friend inside all of us, an ‘inner teacher’ made accessible and visible through the medium of the Tarot. Intuitive Tarot has been written with the aim of making this friend readily available to everyone. Not just your neighborhood mystic.” —Richard Prosapio
“Most of us desire to be able to access our own inner source of guidance at will, but find it all too easy to rely on cookbook interpretations. Dick’s book acknowledges our resistance, but then goes on to guide us toward the development of an understanding of Tarot uniquely our own. An important contribution to the field. Highly recommended.” —Joe Landwehr, Author of The Birth of the Shining One.
“Dick Prosapio’s Intuitive Tarot invites you into the world of Tarot in a magical but totally unintimidating way. If you're a novice, this book will reassure you as it shows that you CAN read the cards; if you’re an experienced student of the Tarot, it will remind you that all of your ‘learning’ falls away in the light of your intuition.” —Gail Fairfield, Author of Choice Centered Tarot.
Zoekwoorden: tarot, basis, boek, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop, tweedehands, kaarten, leren, advies, hulp, lezen, voorspellen, toekomst, intuïtie, Intuïtief
Intuitive Tarot
- Eenheid: stuk
- Model: Paperback
- Beschikbaarheid: 1
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