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In verband met de kerstvakantie zijn wij er even tussenuit. Je kunt gewoon bestellen, maar het zal dan pas dinsdag 7 januari worden verzonden. Excuses voor het ongemak!


Practical Sigil Magic

Practical Sigil Magic

Creating personal symbols for success. Create and use powerful symbols of Will. Sigil magic is one o..


Tarot Reversals For Beginners

Tarot Reversals For Beginners

Five approaches to reading upside-down cards. Learn to read reversals with confidence. Understanding..


The Book of Celtic Magic

The Book of Celtic Magic

Transformative Teachings from the Cauldron of Awen. Practical magic born from the cauldron of the Ce..


The Book of Tree Spells

The Book of Tree Spells

Powerful nature magick is yours when you learn the mystical way of the trees and listen well to thei..


The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews

The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews

This book is, in effect, a magical cookbook. Like any cookbook, it teaches, allows plenty of latitud..


The Hearth Witch's Garden Herbal

The Hearth Witch's Garden Herbal

Plants, recipes & rituals for healing & magical self-care. 200+ Herbal recipes from the witch's gard..


The Mythic Moons of Avalon

The Mythic Moons of Avalon

Lunar & Herbal wisdom from the Isle of Healing. Build a powerful Connection to the Holy Isle and the..




A guide for the solitary practitioner. Includes author's book of shadows. Wicca-handboek is een posi..


Wicca for Beginners

Wicca for Beginners

Fundamentals of philosophy & practice. An enchanting introduction to Wicca. Explore the peaceful, ea..


 Het Geheim van de Yule Nachten

Het Geheim van de Yule Nachten

Een wegwijzer door magische midwintertijd. De twaalf Midwinternachten zijn van oudsher een magische ..


A Handbook of Saxon Sorcery & Magic

A Handbook of Saxon Sorcery & Magic

Wyrdworking, Rune Craft, Divination & Wortcunning. Explore the powerful magic and fascinating lore o..


African Cowrie Shells Divination

African Cowrie Shells Divination

History, Theory & Practice. Discover the Cowrie Shells & Learn how to read the messages of Ifá & the..


Honoring your Ancestors

Honoring your Ancestors

A guide to ancestral veneration. Discover the Spiritual Nourishment and Magical Power of Ancestor Ve..


Invoke the Goddess

Invoke the Goddess

Experience love, healing, and personal empowerment by working with Hindu, Greek, and Egyptian Goddes..


Practical Magic for Beginners

Practical Magic for Beginners

Techniques & Rituals to focus magical energy. Spellcraft essentials for everyday concerns. This stra..


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