Ceremonies for the thirteen moon months and a day.
Auteur: Steve Blamires
Jaar: 2023
Druk: 1e
ISBN: 9781959883029 / 195988302X
Taal: Engels
236 pagina's
Uitgeverij: Crossed Crow Books
Paperback, nieuw.
The lore of the land and the wisdom of wood.
Steve Blamires' Celtic Tree Mysteries serves as an incredible guidebook into the magical world of the trees that make up the Ogham. Within these pages, the reader is given a solid foundation upon which to build an engaging practice that utilizes the myth and lore of each of the twenty trees and is also shown how to connect with the power of each tree on a practical, spiritual, and mental level.
If you find yourself drawn to a magical tradition inspired by Celtic mythology, or even the Celtic landscape itself, this book will be a valuable resource that will inspire your practice for years to come.
Listen to what secrets these trees have to tell...
"Celtic Tree Mysteries is one of my favourite books on the subject of the magical gifts the trees have to offer us. It is concise, thorough and profound, offering modern-day mystics the opportunity to deepen their connection with the trees and with that mysterious script, the Ogham." - Philip Carr-Gomm, author of The Druid Mysteries.
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Celtic Tree Mysteries
- Eenheid: stuk
- Model: Paperback
- Beschikbaarheid: 2
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Tags: ogham, boom, keltisch, Steve Blamires