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The lesser key of Solomon the King. Clavicula Salomonis Regis.

Auteur: vertaald door Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, met voorwoord en aantekeningen van Aleister Crowley

Jaar: 1997

Druk: 2e

ISBN: 087728847X / 9780877288473

Taal: Engels

134 pagina's

Uitgever: Weiser Books, USA

Paperback, nieuw.


Since classical Greece, Goetia has meant “low” magic as distinct from the high magic of theurgy. It is “applied” rather than “pure” magic, addressing practical human concerns - from obtaining advancement and wealth to finding love and knowledge. 

The manuscripts from which this edition was prepared circulated in the spiritual underground of Baroque England. They were written in the English vernacular rather than the Latin of the scholars, further evidence of the popular character of this grimoire. It is a manual of Solomonic astrological sorcery that gives detailed instructions for the ritual precautions, requisites and incantations necessary to evoke the aid of its 72 spirits, which are described in detail. 

This book is the work of the two most influential magicians of the late 19th and 20th centuries. Aleister Crowley commissioned the work from Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (who also produced an English edition of the “greater” Key of Solomon, also published by Weiser). It was first published in 1904, and the highly competitive relationship of these two magicians forms a fascinating subtext to Crowley’s editing of the original edition, which includes his seminal essay, “The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic.” 

All of the features of the original edition are retained in this edition, which is augmented by the engravings of Louis Breton and several original drawings by Aleister Crowley. Crowley’s annotations from his personal copies have also been included. An editorial foreword by Hymenaeus Beta, Prater Superior of O.T.O., explores Crowley’s relationship with Mathers and the place of this grimoire in the Solomonic magical tradition. Also new to this edition are revised versions of the Preliminary Invocation and the Enochian evocations, and a table of its 72 spirits.

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The Goetia

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €20,50

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Tags: goetia, magie, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, Aleister Crowley, solomon