The secret patterns of Gaia's Sacred Sites. A journey into lost energy sciences.

Uit de serie Wooden Books

Auteur: Hugh Newman

Jaar: 2010

Druk: niet vermeld

ISBN: 190426364X / 9781904263647

Taal: Engels

58 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Wooden Books Ltd., UK

Paperback, nieuw.



Do ancient maps prove that the planet was surveyed 12,000 years ago? Were the poles once in a different position to where they are today? Is there a secret pattern joining the great sites of antiquity’?

In this revolutionary little book, ancient sites expert Hugh Newman outlines various theories concerning geometry in the distribution of sacred sites on Earth and comes to some startling conclusions. Illustrated throughout with fantastic graphics, this book will change your world.

Zoekwoorden: magie, heksen, pagan, heidens, heidenen, heks, hekserij, boek, kopen, bestellen, tweedehands, winkel, webshop. leylijnen, sacred, places, geometry, geometrie, grid

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Earth Grids

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: Uitverkocht
  • €9,95

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