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Revised and updated edition with additional material by Brad Steiger, Diane Tessman and Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D. And a special introduction by Timothy Green Beckley.

Auteur: William Thomas Pavitt & Kate Pavitt

Jaar: 2008

Druk: niet vermeld

ISBN: 9781606110454 / 1606110454

Taal: Engels

166 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Global Communications/Conspiracy Journal, USA

Paperback, nieuw


Energy! Power! Prestige!

It’s as simple as carrying that “lucky coin” in your pocket, slipping on that glittering necklace or bracelet, or vogueing that wedding or engagement ring.

From remotest times, back even to the birth of humanity, precious stones and Talismans have been held in high esteem - primarily because of their beauty and, later, because of their virtues as transmitters of good luck and to avert mis fortune. The association of Gems with power civil and religious has ever been noticeable.

Whether the items are made of simple material, or the quality of the Hope Diamond, your personal jewelry or “Lucky Stone” can be used as a powerful magnet to command the forces of the Universe so you may lead a more prosperous, energetic, life.

Here for the first time, hundreds of crystals, stones, talismans and amulets are categorized with their most beneficial uses. The fascinating contents of this work include hundreds of different topics:

  • The psychic and magnetic influence of talismans and gems.
  • Talismans of wisdom.
  • Early Roman and Greek influences.
  • Magic gemstones of the archangels.
  • The symbolic nature of the cross.
  • Deciphering the wheel of life.
  • Moon amulets and the blessings of rings. 
  • The 10 most divine stones.
  • Utilizing the spare change in your pocket to defend against negativity.
  • Bonus collection of gemstone meditations by Diane Tessman

Zoekwoorden: boek, kopen, bestellen, kristallen, edelstenen, genezen, tweedehands, winkel, webshop, stenen, talismans, amuletten

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The Complete Book of Talismans, Amulets and Magic Gemstones

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 3
  • €24,50

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Tags: Stenen, amulet, William Thomas Pavitt, Kate Pavitt