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Asatru, Heidendom, Noors, Germaans

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A Mordern Guide to Heathenry

A Mordern Guide to Heathenry

Lore, Celebrations & Mysteries of the Nothern Traditions. This book explores the cosmology, values, ..


A practical Guide to The Runes

A practical Guide to The Runes

A Powerful Force for Guidance, Protection, and Luck. EIHWAZ the yew, URUZ the wild ox, KENAZ the hea..


A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru

A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru

Asatru then and now. From its pre-Christian beginnings to its contemporary practitioners, Heathenry ..




A beginner's guide to the heathen path. ASATRU is a modern Pagan tradition whose roots lie in the an..


Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga

Slavic Earth Goddess. A unique perspective on working with Baba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess of myster..


De Nornen

De Nornen

Wevers van lot en magie. Aan de voet van de wereldboom zitten Urd, Verdandi en Skuld. Zij die de lev..




Goden- en heldenliederen uit de Germaanse oudheid. De Edda laat de heilige wijsheid van de oude Germ..


Gezondheids Runen

Gezondheids Runen

Gezondheids Runen en de kracht van visualisatie. Kennis en inzicht uit heden en een oud verleden vlo..


Goddess Alive!

Goddess Alive!

Inviting Celtic & Norse goddesses into your life. The changing of the seasons, phases of the moon, e..


Icelandic Magic

Icelandic Magic

Practical secrets of the Northern Grimoires. During the Christianization of Europe in the Middle Age..


Lightbringers of the North

Lightbringers of the North

Secrets of the Occult Tradition of Finland. Finland has long been viewed as the land of sorcerers an..


Neolithic Shamanism

Neolithic Shamanism

Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition. We are all surrounded by spirits. Many people feel called to wor..


Noordse Mythologie

Noordse Mythologie

Verhalen over Goden en monsters. De Scandinaviërs uit de Vikingtijd onderzochten de mysteries van he..


Noordse Mythologie

Noordse Mythologie

De goden, helden, monsters en legenden van de Noormannen. Duik in de spectaculaire en magische mytho..


Norse Goddess Magic

Norse Goddess Magic

Trancework, Mythology, and Ritual. Combining traditional research on folklore and the Eddas with tra..


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