An introduction to modern Druidry.
Auteur: Ivan McBeth, with Fearn Lickfield, foreword by Philip Carr-Gomm, afterword by Orion Foxwood
Oorspronkelijke titel: The Druid Tradition
Jaar: 2018
Druk: niet genoemd
ISBN: 1578636345 / 9781578636341
Taal: Engels
250 pagina's
Uitgeverij: Weiser Books, USA
Paperback, nieuw.
We are one.
The Bardic Book of Becoming is a warm, user-friendly, eclectic introduction to modern Druidry that invites you to take the first steps into the realms of magic and mystery.
In this book you will be introduced to the various techniques and practices of a Druid in training. Written by Ivan McBeth, the cofounder of Vermont's Green Mountain School of Druidry, with Fearn Lickfield, the book incorporates lessons, visualizations, rituals, and magical stories. Many different activities and exercises are included that provide the reader with hands-on learning. Ivan also provides personal stories that demonstrate his own journey from spiritual seeker to Druid.
"The Bardic Book of Becoming is a book modern Druids have needed for a long time. Deeply visionary, it offers a look into the spirituality of modern Druidic practice and the underlying beliefs and ideas which sustain it. I would recommend this not only to Druids everywhere, but to all those wishing to know more of this growing spiritual practice.” ─John Matthews, author of The Druid Source Book and The Celtic Shaman.
Zoekwoorden: heksen, druide, druiden, druidcraft, wicca, kopen, bestellen, magie, wijsheden, boek, winkel, webshop, tweedehands
The Bardic Book of Becoming
- Eenheid: stuk
- Model: Paperback
- Beschikbaarheid: 1
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