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A Druid's exploration of sanctuary and sacred space.

Deel van de 'Pagan Portals' serie.

Auteur: Joanna van der Hoeven

Jaar: 2014

Druk: niet vermeld

ISBN: 9781782793274 / 1782793275

Taal: Engels

72 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Moon Books, , John Hunt Publishing

Paperback, nieuw.


Nemetona is an ancient goddess whose song is heard deep within the earth and also deep within the human soul. She is the Lady of Sanctuary, of Sacred Groves and Sacred Spaces.

She is present within the home, within our sacred groves, our rites and in all the spaces that we hold dear to our hearts. She also lies within, allowing us to feel at ease wherever we are in the world through her energy of holding, of transformation. She holds the stillness and quiet of a perfect day; she is the stillness at the end of it, when the blackbird sings to the dusk. She is the energy of sacred space, where we can stretch out our souls and truly come alive, to be who we wish to be, filled with the magic of potential.

Rediscover this ancient Goddess and dance with a Druid to the songs of Nemetona. Learn how to reconnect with this goddess in ritual, songs, chants, meditation and more.

“For those of us upon the Druid path, Nemetona is an intriguing goddess. Joanna’s book welcomes us into Nemetona’s sanctuary that we might know her more intimately.” - Philip Carr-Gomm, author of The Druid Way and Druid Mysteries: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century.

Joanna Van Der Hoeven is a Druid, Witch, co-founder of Druid College UK and best-selling author of Zen Druidry, The Awen Alone, The Crane Bag, The Hedge Druid’s Craft and Zen for Druids. She lives with her husband in a small village in Suffolk near the coast of the North Sea.

Zoekwoorden: heksen, druide, druiden, druidcraft, druidism, druid, kopen, bestellen, boek, winkel, webshop

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Dancing With Nemetona

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €14,50

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Tags: druiden, nemetona, pagan portals, Joanna van der Hoeven