Hekserij, Paganisme, Wicca, Magie
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Celtic Mythology
The Celts controlled Ireland, Wales, western Scotland, Cornwall and much of Europe for many centurie..
Celtic Tree Mysteries
The lore of the land and the wisdom of wood. Steve Blamires' Celtic Tree Mysteries serves as an incr..
Celtic Witchcraft
Modern witchcraft meets Celtic ways. Learn how Celtic legend and mythology can bring magic into your..
Sjamanistische wijsheid voor het leven van alledag. Ceremonies hielpen onze voorouders en hun gemeen..
Keeper of the cauldron. Hearken back to the call of Cerridwen, mistress of initiation and keeper of ..
Charge of the Goddess
Doreen Valiente, the Mother of Modern Witchcraft, is an acclaimed author in her own right. She rewro..
Charms, Amulets, Talismans & Spells
Make good things more likely. What is the difference between an amulet and a talisman? Why should yo..
Chinees & Siberisch Sjamanisme
In vogelvlucht. Binnenkort wordt China het middelpunt van ons nieuwe normaal. Vergeet dat China een ..
Goddess of Sorcery. Meet Circe, feared goddess of Homer's Odyssey, who used her knowledge of nature ..
Clearing Spaces
Inspirational techniques to heal your home. Clearing spaces is perfect for anyone who would like to ..
Conjuring Dirt
Magick of footprints, crossroads & graveyards. Right under your feet lies one of the best magickal t..
Conjuring Harriet "Mama Moses" Tubman and the Spirits of the Underground Railroad
Let the spirits of the Underground Railroad guide you on a magical path to healing, empowerment, and..
Conjuring with Cannabis
Spells and rituals for the weed witch. Short and sweet ways to enjoy weed witchery. Sharing dozens o..
Consorting With Spirits
Your guide to working with invisible allies. Throughout history, humans have sought power and knowle..
Container Magic
Spellcraft using sachets, bottles, poppets & jars. Capture the magic within using Charity L. Bedell'..