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  • Aithiopis - Sagittarius

Artiest: Sagittarius

Releasedatum: 2017

Genre: Electronic, Neofolk

Label: Sagittarius (Self-released), Die Neue Runde

Tweedehands, nieuw in seal, special limited first edition (100 copies, nr. 69) incl. opbergzakje, 4 artprint cards (waarvan 1 gesigneerd), pagina uit vintage Duitse Ilias en een stapeltje flyers.


Inspired by the lost third part of the Trojan Cycle, attributed to Arctinus Milesius.

Recorded in Leipzig and Athens 2015 and 2017. All music composed and performed by Cornelius Waldner. Lyrics taken from the Posthomerica by Quintus Smyrnaeus, and spoken by Acherontas V.Priest. The text follows the edition of Hermann Koechly (1850) as published in; Quintus Smyrnaeus, The Fall of Troy. With an English translation by Arthur S. Way (London: William Heinemann, 1913). Front cover artwork by Virgil Solis, taken from Iohan. Posthii Germershemii Tetrasticha in Ovidii Metamor. Lib, XV. (Frankfurt am Main: Corvinus, Feyerabent & Gallus, 1563). Back cover artwork by Franz von Stuck; The Wounded Amazon (1905).


1 Overture: The Walls Of Troy 2:38

2 Aristeia I (Penthesileia I)         2:28

3 Lament (Penthesileia II)         3:00

4 Aristeia II (Memnon I)                 3:05

5 Metamorphosis (Memnon II) 4:52

6 Conclusion: The White Island 2:07

Zoekwoorden: CD, muziek, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop, tweedehands, PILA 006

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Aithiopis - Sagittarius

  • Eenheid: Set
  • Model: CD
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €20,00

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