Spiritual growth in the heart of nature.

Auteur: Cliff Seruntine, voorwoord door John Matthews

Jaar: 2022

Druk: 2e

ISBN: 9798985628135 

Taal: Engels

400 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Crossed Crow Books

Paperback, nieuw.



The Wildwood Way offers an awe-inspiring look into the practical and spiritual insights that manifest while living as one with nature. Cliff Seruntine has spent most of his life in wild places and takes the reader on a magical and engaging journey into the inner life of the natural world, showing us how to forge a strong connection with the land through homesteading, hunting, gathering, harvesting, and living in gentle harmony with the spirit presences within these places. For those seeking to enhance their connection to nature, The Wildwood Way will prove to be a profound and uplifting read. 

'The Wildwood Way is an outstanding addition to nature-based literature. Cliffs stories take you to a place where you can feel, see, imagine and even taste the experiences and teachings he eloquently conveys.' - James Endredy, author of Shamanic Alchemy, Ecoshamanism. 

'Cliff Seruntine has documented for us, an account of his magical life. Part memoir, part fairy tale and another part field guide, The Wildwood Way: Spiritual Growth in the Heart of Nature is as much an occult grimoire as it is a cowse in bushcraft Intimate stories of his life on the land are peppered with practical information about how to ensure the survival of your body aad your spirit in natures wildest places. This book provides a break from civilization and modemity, away from the white noise and blue light of our hectie world, calling us back to a greener, greater life, in tune with the changing seasons, reality of landscape and immanence of nature s spirits.' - Dodie Graham McKay, author of Earth Magic: The Elements of Witchcraft.

Zoekwoorden: natuur, leefstijl, lifestyle, spiritualiteit, leven, boek, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop

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The Wildwood Way

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €23,50

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