The dark side of dreams and dreaming.

Auteur: Stase Michaels

Jaar: 2018

Druk: niet vermeld

ISBN: 1454927372 / 9781454927372

Taal: Engels

201 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Sterling Ethos, USA

Hardcover, nieuw.

Fear and anxiety can provoke mysterious, unconscious reactions, leading to terrifying nighttime visions that can unsettle us even after we wake. But what do our nightmares mean and why do we have them? Stase Michaels encourages you to look at the dark side of dreaming in a new light - as messages that arrive with a helpful purpose. She applies her signature out-of the-box, perspective on the symbolism, trajectory, and unspoken logic behind nightmares.Even When a communication is scary, ditch pre-conceptions and welcome a nightmare as a conversation you want to have with a best friend - the wiser part of you.

Zoekwoorden: dromen, droom, dromen analyseren, nachtmerries, boek, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop

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  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Hardcover
  • Beschikbaarheid: Uitverkocht
  • €15,50

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