An introduction to pendulum divination.
Auteur: Dani Bryant
Jaar: 2018
Druk: niet vermeld
ISBN: 1454933887 / 9781454933885
Taal: Engels
116 pagina's
Uitgeverij: Sterling Ethos, USA
Hardcover, nieuw
Pendulums can show you the way.
For centuries, magical practitioners of all levels have been relying on pendulums for healing, guidance, and especially for divination. This easy-to-use guide covers everything you'll need to know to benefit from the power of pendulums: how to choose the perfect one for you, how to use it for guidance, and even how it can help you connect with your spirit guides. With fifteen circle charts for asking your pendulum simple questions, this introductory guide will help you get the most out of this deceptively simple tool, which can uncover even the most hidden answers.
Zoekwoorden: pendelen, pendel, pendelkaart, radiësthesie, voorspellen, vragen, boek, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop
A Little Bit of Pendulums
- Eenheid: stuk
- Model: Hardcover
- Beschikbaarheid: 1
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Tags: pendel, little bit, Dani Bryant