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Death's Head

Death's Head

This book contains a unique blend of folklore and hands-on Witchcraft, all centered around the use o..




Hoodoo spells of uncrossing, healing, and protection. Do you feel stuck and unlucky? Have you been c..




Working with the Greek goddess, Demeter, can help us to better understand what it means to reconnect..


Den Postkaart

Den Postkaart

Mooi geïllustreerde kaart van de Grove Den. Illustratie door Tanja Hilgers. Onze eerste lichtbronnen..


Dictionary of Ancient Magic Words and Spells

Dictionary of Ancient Magic Words and Spells

From Abraxas to Zoar. From Abracadabra to the now famous spells of the Harry Potter series, magic wo..


Diloggún Tales of the Natural World

Diloggún Tales of the Natural World

How the moon fooled the sun and other Santeria stories. Since ancient times the Yoruba of West Afric..


Disciple's Guide to Ritual Magick

Disciple's Guide to Ritual Magick

A beginner's introduction to the high art. Ritual Magick for a new millennium. In this book, Frater ..


Divination for Beginners

Divination for Beginners

Reading the past, present & future. Fine-tune your future. What if you could see what's in store for..


Dragon Magic

Dragon Magic

The Dragon represents the unknown, the hidden energy in humans and in nature. Dragon Magic introduce..




Een geïllustreerde geschiedenis. Draken boeien ons al duizenden jaren meer dan welk ander dier dan o..


Druid Course

Druid Course

The Druid Course is the third in the New Order of Druid's Grove of Dana College. This course focuses..


Druid Mysteries

Druid Mysteries

Ancient wisdom for the 21st century. The spiritual path of the Druids leads us through the beauty an..


Druid Power

Druid Power

Celtic faerie craft & elemental magic. Call forth dragons... And feel the ancient songs of the Celts..




Druïdisme is de spirituele weg die de voorouders en de natuurgeesten eert en individualiteit en crea..


Dumonts Kleine Kruidenlexicon

Dumonts Kleine Kruidenlexicon

In dit lexicon worden 70 kruiden overzichtelijk en beknopt beschreven in volgorde van de wetenschapp..


Weergeven 166 t/m 180 van in totaal 1996