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A Cunning Man's Grimoire
The Secret of Secrets. A sixteenth century English grimoire. Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic Volume ..
A Druid's Herbal
For the sacred earth year. For the ancient Druids, the healing and magical properties of herbs were ..
A Garden of Pomegranates
Skrying on the Tree of Life. The best single introduction to the Qabalah for Magicians. When Israel ..
A Guide to Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage is one of the oldest forms of sacred journeying. But how does it fit into the 21st centur..
A Hedgerow Cookbook
Wild cooking solutions from Mother Earth. A UK Traveller's timeless survival guide. A little book of..
A Little Bit of Shamanism
An introduction to shamanic journeying. Explore shamanism with a global view. Drawing from decades o..
A Little History of Dragons
The world's leading ancient wizdom series. The essential guide to fire-breathing winged serpents. Wh..
A Mordern Guide to Heathenry
Lore, Celebrations & Mysteries of the Nothern Traditions. This book explores the cosmology, values, ..
A Pagan Ritual Prayer Book
A Pagan devotional for all occasions. A Pagan Ritual Prayer Book offers readers more than 700 praye..
A practical Guide to The Runes
A Powerful Force for Guidance, Protection, and Luck. EIHWAZ the yew, URUZ the wild ox, KENAZ the hea..
A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru
Asatru then and now. From its pre-Christian beginnings to its contemporary practitioners, Heathenry ..
A Witch's Guide to Creating & Performing Rituals that Actually Work
Build powerful, transformative rituals for a deeply meaningful life. Rituals are a part of our breat..
A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium
Within these pages, the reader will be introduced to concepts such as the role of thoughts and emoti..
Celtic Goddess of the Wilds. The Gauls were the ancient Celtic people of continental Europe. Deep in..
Advanced Candle Magick
More spells and rituals for every purpose. Powerful techniques for change. Picking up where Practica..