A guide for working with faeries & nature spirits.

Auteur: Sandra Kynes

Jaar: 2022

Druk: 1e

ISBN: 9780738770321 / 0738770329

Taal: Engels

288 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Llewellyn Publications, USA

Paperback, nieuw.


Build relationships with faeries and connect with nature on a deep, soul level.

The natural world is integral to our spiritual and magical lives and the lives of faeries and nature spirits. With this book, you'll discover how plants bridge the worlds and help us work with these extraordinary beings. Drawing from folklore, history, and personal experience, Sandra Kynes teaches you all about faery magic and the unique ways that plants enhance your connection to the fae.

This comprehensive guide presents over one hundred profiles of common and obscure plants associated with faeries and nature spirits. Grow bracken fern to attract faeries to your property. Hold a small bundle of vervain to help you communicate with nature spirits. Set out a bowl of blackberries as a token of friendship. With hands-on activities and exercises, this book shows you how to journey to faeryland, conduct dreamwork, and heal both yourself and the planet.

Sandra Kynes is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids and the author of eighteen books, including Tree Magic, Herbal Remedies for Beginners, Plant Magic, and The Herb Gardener's Essential Guide. Additionally, her work has been featured in Utne Reader, The Portal, and Circle Magazine. Sandra's writing also appears regularly in Llewellyn’s popular almanacs and datebooks

"Sandra's breadth of knowledge, experience, and a clear connection with the faery realm are evident throughout, all backed with research from reputable sources and packed full of practical suggestions you'll be eager to try for yourself.” - Emily Carding, Author of Seeking Faery.

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Magical Faery Plants

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €28,00

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