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Pagan handfasting traditions for your sacred union.

Auteur: Joy Ferguson

Jaar: 2001

Druk: niet genoemd

ISBN: 1550224611 / 9781550224610

Taal: Engels

186 pagina's

Uitgeverij: ECW Press

Paperback, nieuw.


Whether joining hands for the first time or renewing your vows, whether uniting for a year and a day, for as long as love shall last, or for all of eternity, handfasting is perfect for couples seeking alternative ways to tie the knot. This ancient Celtic commitment ceremony — inspired by the Greeks, Etruscans, Romans, and Norsemen—is regaining popularity within and beyond the Pagan community. Handfasting is perfect for modern couples wishing to honor their lovebond in ways that fit their evolving needs and desires. Love is one of the Great Mysteries, and this rite of passage into a new stage of life is a time to share your beliefs and choices with friends and family-—in your own way. 

Joy Ferguson’s Magickal Weddings is a handbook to help you bring romantic handfasting traditions from antiquity into modern-day ceremonies. It is also a practical wedding planning guide from start to finish, complete with charts and worksheets, to help any couple plan their handfasting. This detailed guide offers: 

  • Suggestions for heartfelt vows to express your commitment
  • Ritual tools and traditions
  • Divination exercises and charts to help you choose the best time to handfast
  • Symbolism behind elements such as cords, flowers, and gemstones
  • Handfasting history and legality
  • Ways to include and accommodate friends and family members in the ceremony 

Organize a handfasting ceremony that draws upon customs, symbols, and energies from long ago, from between the worlds, and from the here-and-now to create an experience that reflects the unique intricacies of your partnership. 

Joy Ferguson has been a professional astrologer since 1978. She is Event Manager for the prestigious Magazines University conference where she offers professional tips on planning, As a graduate of the University of Toronto's Classics program, she has studied mythology, Pagan and Christian religions, ancient Greek, Latin, and Old English.

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Magickal Weddings

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €15,00

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