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The magic, history and hidden codes of the runes.

Auteur: Edred Thorsson 

Oorspronkelijke titel: RUnelore: a handbook of esoteric runology

Jaar: 2012

Druk: niet genoemd

ISBN: 0877286671 / 9780877286677

Taal: Engels

222 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Weiser Books (USA)

Paperback, nieuw.


Join the magical revival of an ancient language of the gods.

From the wisdom of the pre-Viking era to modern-day runic poems, Runelore combines folklore, linguistics, and the history of religion and magic to create a unique approach to reading, casting, and deciphering the hidden teachings of the runes. From Edred Thorsson, author of the bestselling Futhark, Runelore is another indispensable text for anyone seeking to broaden their understanding of the runes and the runic alphabet. 

In Runelore, you will learn about:

• Rune Magic and Divination • Runic Codes • Runic Numerology • The Odhinic Pantheon • Explanations of the Runic Mysteries • Divine Patterns • Jungian Symbolism and Runic Psychology •

Originally written as a supplement to the practical material in Futhark, this book takes readers on an esoteric journey through Runic consciousness. An invaluable addition to any magical practitioner’s library, the extensive scholarship of the history and greater role of runes in our own magical awareness will appeal to students of the occult, history, and folklore alike. 

Zoekwoorden: boek, rune, runen, runes, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop

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  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 2
  • €16,50

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