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Amulets, talismans and magical lifeforms.

Auteur: E.A. Wallis Budge, M.A. with a special introduction by Dragonstar

Oorspronkelijke titel: Egyptian Magic

Jaar: 2013

Druk: niet genoemd

ISBN: 189062712 / 9781892062710

Taal: Engels

248 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Global Communications (USA)

Paperback, nieuw.


Unlock the occult wisdom of antiquity, and experience the awesome miracle of Egyptian magic, known to be the most powerful of all! 

From the pen of the prestigious “Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities” at the British Museum, comes long forgotten knowledge of how to make use of dreams, tap the power of lucky and unlucky days, and utilize talismans and charms initially designed in the remote past and still useful today.

Everyone in ancient Egypt who could afford it wore either a charm or talisman, and for centuries their land was regarded as a nation of powerful magicians and sorcerers who guided their citizens in all matters mystical and spiritual. Hebrew, Greek and Roman writers referred to them as experts in the occult sciences and possessors of arcane wisdom and knowledge which could, according to the given circumstances, be employed to do either good or harm. 

Saint Stephen boasted that Moses was learned in an the wisdom of the Egyptians, and declared that he was mighty in words and deeds. It was said that Moses possessed a wonderful staff with which he could work wonders, take control over man and beast, and destroy his enemies.

For centuries the actual magic spells and formulas utilized by the wizards of this ancient paradise along the Nile were kept secret for fear they would fall into the wrong hands. 

With the reprinting of this exceedingly rare book, first published over a century ago, it is now possible to adapt the occult secrets of the early Egyptians to one's daily life for mental and physical stability as well as for protection, guidance and material abundance.

Zoekwoorden: Egypte, boek, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop, Egyptisch, magie, wicca, heksen, geschiedenis

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Secrets of Egyptian Spellcasting

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 2
  • €23,50

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