Welkom bij The Gift Of Magic!

In verband met de kerstvakantie zijn wij er even tussenuit. Je kunt gewoon bestellen, maar het zal dan pas dinsdag 7 januari worden verzonden. Excuses voor het ongemak!

Corrected facsimile edition.

Auteur: Aleister Crowley 

Jaar: 1997

Druk: 2e

ISBN: 1561840289 / 9781561840281

Taal: Engels

137 pagina's

Uitgeverij: New Falcon Publications, USA

Paperback, tweedehands, in redelijke staat, rug is iets verkleurd.


This book is the culmination lite-work of a great spirit. 

It summarizes the career of an acknowledged master of occult science describing the successive stages of his progress through magical and mystical studies up to the point at which revelation came to him in 1904.

An exhaustive description is given of the amazing circumstances leading up to and accompanying the transcription, in that year, of the three literally epoch-making chapters of The Book of the Law.

These 220 verses announce and explain the coming of a new era in which a unification of all spiritual dogmas in a single Law of love and liberty shall prevail universally. The Law has never before been so uncompromisingly and authoritatively promulgated, though it is already operating all over the world in more or less disguised forms.

Aleister Crowley labored intensively for thirty years to publish, with his critical and explanatory notes, this unique message from beyond the Veil which he had so long, so seriously, and so patiently investigated.

No one can be indifferent to the mysteries of human life and death. Those who still respect honest thought and who have not yet succumbed to the radio, the cinema and the headline, are bound to read what is certain to help mankind, as individuals and as a race, to substitute sanity and happiness for the crazy misery which is at present the lot of the vast majority of us.

Aleister Crowley was himself the first sceptic. After a perusal of this volume no one with any pretentions to reason and feeling can dismiss it as a mere curiosity of literature. It must, on the contrary, be accepted for what it claims to be, a unique document, incomparably more valuable than any other body of spiritual law — such as the Vedas, the Pentateuch, the Tao Teh King or the Qu’ran — which men possess.

— Adapted from a prospectus for the 1936 first edition.

Zoekwoorden: magie, heksen, heks, hekserij, pagan, magie, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop, Aleister Crowley, Crowley, thelema, egypte

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The Equinox of the Gods

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  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €120,00

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