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The Shamans of Mexico, their thoughts about life, death and the Universe.

Auteur: Carlos Castaneda

Jaar: 2001

Druk: Niet genoemd

ISBN: 9780743412803 / 074341280X

Taal: Engels

290 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Washington Square Press

Paperback, tweedehands, in nette staat.


World-renowned bestselling author Carlos Castaneda's selection of his writings on the shamans of ancient Mexico.

Near the end of his life, Carlos Castaneda gathered together and reviewed his seminal works on his training as a shaman initiate, recorded in a literary career that spans over thirty years. The result is this groundbreaking collection of quotations - the essence of Carlos Castaneda, drawn from his landmark volumes including The Teachings of Don Juan, Journey to IxtlanA Separate Reality, and Tales of Power. Enhanced with an introduction and original commentary by the author, this powerful work illuminates the shaman's life as never before. Castaneda's words explore how the ancient shamans could literally touch and direct the wheel of time - a profound yet pragmatic tradition that can be felt even in our day.

Carlos Castaneda is the world-renowned bestselling author of twelve books, including The Teachings of Don Juan, A Separate Reality and Journey to Ixtlan, based on his training in ancient Mexican spiritual spirituality.

Zoekwoorden: sjamanisme, native american, ancient wisdom, kopen, bestellen, tweedehands, winkel, webshop

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The Wheel of Time

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €15,00

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