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In verband met de kerstvakantie zijn wij er even tussenuit. Je kunt gewoon bestellen, maar het zal dan pas dinsdag 7 januari worden verzonden. Excuses voor het ongemak!

The definitive guide to magic and the craft. 

Auteur: Ann-Marie Gallagher 

Jaar: 2005

Druk: niet genoemd

ISBN: 9781841812502 / 1841812501

Taal: Engels

400 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Godsfield Press, UK

Paperback, nieuw.


This comprehensive guide to Wicca will help you build and enhance your knowledge and skills in the Craft. It includes everything you need to know about the subject, including customs and traditions, visualizations, rituals, spells, divination techniques, circlework and coven etiquette. If you are new to Wicca, you will find practical advice on the everyday business of Wicca, such as how to put together an altar, consecrate magical tools and cast a circle. If you are an experienced practitioner, this book will deepen and expand your understanding of Wiccan spirituality.

Ann-Marie Gallagher is a Witch and a Senior Lecturer in Equality and Diversity at the University of Central Lancashire, a political activist and historian. She is the author of several books on magic, witchcraft and spirituality including The Spells Bible, also published by Godsfield Press.

Zoekwoorden: wicca, heksen, solo, coven,  boek, kopen, bestellen, tweedehands, winkel, webshop, hekserij, wiccan, rituals, spells, rituelen, spreuken, bijbel, altar, altaar

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The Wicca Bible

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €27,50

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