What you need to read tarot with confidence.

Auteur: Jenna Matlin

Jaar: 2022

Druk: 1e

ISBN: 9780738770109 / 0738770108

Taal: Engels

239 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Llewellyn Publications, USA

Paperback, Nieuw


Master the art of reading for others with step-by-step guidance and real-life examples.

Learn to confidently deliver tarot readings that leave you energized and querents clamoring for more. Tarot professional Jenna Matlin gives you extensive tips and techniques for not only giving helpful and accurate readings to others, but also ensuring that you’re not punished for being the bearer of bad news.

Deciding to read tarot for others opens you up to a new world of opportunities and challenges, and this book shows you how to navigate it all. Learn what to do when a reading goes wrong, how to navigate the difficulties of the court cards, why asking the right questions is so important, and how to build resilience in yourself. Featuring insightful anecdotes, advice on controlling the flow of your readings, and more, this book is a must-have for anyone who is asked, “Will you give me a reading?”

“Jenna Matlin is the voice of a wise mentor who will refine your tarot skills, show you how to structure a tarot reading Session, and master control over the flow of your readings.” - Benebell Wen, author of Holistic Tarot.

Jenna Matlin is a clairvoyant medium who has been reading tarot since 1990. She is a full-time psychic reader and was named best a spiritual guru by Philadelphia Magazine in 2019. She has read for - thousands of people, both individually and in group settings, and she runs weekend-long retreats and readings at corporate headquarters. She also has a Master of Science degree in organizational psychology and executive coaching.

Zoekwoorden: tarot, basis, boek, kopen, bestellen, winkel, webshop, tweedehands, lezen, lezingen, consult

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Will You Give Me A Reading?

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €16,00

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