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A traveler's guide to the power & persecution of the witch.

Auteur: Kristen J. Sollée

Jaar: 2020

Druk: niet vermeld.

ISBN: 157863699X / 9781578636990


244 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Red Wheel, Weiser, US

Hardcover met stofomslag, nieuw.


Traveling through cities and sites across Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Kristen J, Sollée -a second-generation witch herself- explores the witch as a figure of female power and persecution, By infusing an adventurous, first-person narrative with extensive research and Imaginative historical fiction, Witch Hunt captures the magic of travel to make an often-overlooked period of history come alive.

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, a confluence of social, political, and religious factors inspired witch hysteria to ignite like wildfire across Europe and, later, parts of America. At the heart of the witch hunts were often dangerous misconceptions about femininity and female sexuality, and women were disproportionately punished as a result. Today, this lineage of oppression remains an important reference point through which we can contemplate women's rights-and human rights-in the Western world and beyond.

Witch Hunt isn't only an exploration of the horrors of history but also uncovers how the witch has been rehabilitated. For witches are not just haunting figures of the past; the witch is also a liberatory icon and identity of the present.

Kristen J. Sollée is the author of three books on the legacy of the witch. A writer, curator, and educator exploring the intersections of art, gender, and the occult, Kristen's work has been featured in The Guardian and on NPR. She currently teaches at The New School in New York City.

Zoekwoorden: heksen, pagan, wicca, reisgids, heksenjacht, kopen, bestellen, boek, winkel, webshop, tweedehands

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Witch Hunt

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Hardcover
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €23,50

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