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A guide to Hoodoo folk magic. Find your place of power at the crossroads.

Auteur: Hoodoo Sen Moise

Jaar: 2018 

Druk: niet vermeld.

ISBN: 1578636272 / 9781578636273

Taal: Engels

188 pagina's

Uitgeverij: Red Wheel, Weiser Books, USA

Paperback, nieuw.



The Path to Magical Change. 

“Hoodoo Sen Moise manages to balance a solid delivery on the practice of Conjure with just enough theory to create a foundation to do this spiritual work - which is not, as he also reminds us, ‘spiritual easy’ - and to continue the work given to us by our ancestors to heal each other and the world we share.” -- Mambo Chita Tann, author of Haitian Vodou 

Conjure, also known as Hoodoo or Rootwork, is an old, powerful, and highly effective system of North American folk magic. Its origin can be traced to slave times and its purpose at that time was to stop the terrible oppression experienced by the slaves. Working Conjure explores the history, culture, principles, fundamentals, and ethics of Conjure, while simultaneously serving as a practical how-to guide for actually doing the work. 

Experiencing a revival taking it beyond its southern roots, Conjure is currently among the most popular forms of modern magic. Author Hoodoo Sen Moise has been a practitioner for over thirty-five years. In Working Conjure, his first book, he shares the techniques and lessons that will bring Hoodoo alive to those who are new to the practice as well as useful and enlightening information to the adept. This book explores the primary materials of conjure and features spells, rituals, and workings for various purposes. Learn how to make this profound school of magic work for you.

Zoekwoorden: magie, heksen, voodoo, voudou, hoodoo, voedoe, vodou, vodun, vodon, vodoun, vudu, boek, kopen, bestellen, tweedehands, winkel, webshop

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Working Conjure

  • Eenheid: stuk
  • Model: Paperback
  • Beschikbaarheid: 1
  • €26,50

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